Physical examinations of pelvic floor muscles, education on pelvic anatomy and function, personalised exercises to strengthen and coordinate muscles, manual therapy for muscular issues, biofeedback for enhanced control, behavioural strategies for lifestyle modifications and specific care for preventive needs.
Improved pelvic floor muscles strength, reduced pain & discomfort, enhanced flexibility and better overall function specific to individual goals and initial concerns.
Pelvic health physiotherapy appointment main aim is to assist women in preventing these distressing and frequently embarrassing symptoms. To provide guidance on improve pelvic floor muscles and anal sphincter muscles function.
I create a warm & welcoming atmosphere in my practice with genuine care for my patient’s problems. I want to get you the best results possible, as quickly as possible.
The sole focus of the treatment will be on pelvic health: examinations of pelvic floor muscles, personalised plans to strengthen and coordinate muscles etc.